Gurley Lions Club serving the Gurley community since 1948
Gurley Lions Club serving the Gurley community since 1948

My Great-Great Grandfather Albert Salisbury

by William Stein

My Great-Great Grandfather was a Union soldier and posted at your town in 1864. I have his diaries which show his location as Gurleys Tank and he describes the local happenings. I'm not sure what all is of interest in these diaries - I have searched for names of locals and such but there seems to be little evidence of this. But there are descriptions of everyday life and happenings. For example, he describes how guerillas burned the railroad track about a mile from town "where it curves" and other such incidents.

Here is an excerpt from his first day in your town:

Gurleys Tank Ala. Oct 3rd 1864

We left Huntsville last evening at four o'clock on a special train and were soon at our destined places.....

We are off alone in the woods but there are houses near. The water tank here affords a glorious shower bath of pure spring water brought in pipes against it's sides...

My great-great grandfathers name was Albert Salisbury and a soldier in Company H of the 13th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment. Later in life he was an educator and college president.

Here is a scan of the above mentioned entry:

Albert Salisbury Diaries soldier in Company H 13th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment

Thank you William for sharing this information left in your care by your ancestors.